Another reason I believe it is important to spend a lot of time with your family, especially your grandparents is that because you can learn valuable information from them and when you are around them it gives you a sense of feeling that you are apart of something special. I personally know sometimes it is hard to visit family members who live near your home because you are too busy with work you have to finish up, or you are just involved in too many activities. However, I believe if you can not make at least one day a week to spend with your family, you should limit what you are doing to make time to spend with your family. I say that because when I was younger, if I did not visit my grandfather often I would have today regret not visiting him and I would have not been taught the valuable life long lessons that will help me succeed in the future. One of the main lessons he had taught me was how to operate a successful business by just being kind and smiling. Well technically it was not a business, it was an Italian Club where older Italian’s went to play cards, have a cup of espresso or cappuccino, and the main reason they went there was because it was their social life where they got to talk about anything. One of the things my grandpa always did was smile and exhibit good cheer which transferred over to everyone who visited the Italian club and also my family.
My grandma also helped me come up with this belief because she has also taught me valuable lessons since I was a little kid, either from walking in her house smelling delicious Italian foods, or either her telling me and my cousin’s stories about her exciting childhood in Italy. I have always enjoyed, and still do enjoy going to my grandmas house. From spending a lot of time with my family I came to conclusion that the more time you spend together, you have a higher chance of sharing quality experiences that will help create good stories for you to tell in the future and something positive to look back on.